



我喜欢封面照片,一个贝洛伊特人在岩石河上划着独木舟. 立即, 这张照片把我带回到1957年, 大二的时候, 我选择划独木舟作为我的必修课.E. class. 在岩石上,我学会了基本的泳姿——向前、划水、J、C等. 它比网球有趣多了,网球我不及格,最后只能重复. Learning to canoe as a 贝洛伊特 student was immensely beneficial when later paddling down Indiana’s streams and rivers with my husband and daughters.

Ruth Ann Cornish Ingraham ' 60

在1953年我大四的期末考试周, Jane Gilmour Boutet’53 and I decided to take a break from studying and take a little canoe trip up the Rock River. 我们带着午餐,找个地方停下来吃饭. When we headed back to the canoe, we encountered strong winds that kept pushing us off course. 简对划独木舟有些经验,而我完全是个新手. 我们就是不能让独木舟朝着我们想要去的方向前进. 风不停地把我们推向岸边. 我们终于放弃了,降落了,并呼救. 有人来救了我们, 疲惫和晒伤, 我们终于可以继续学习了. 我很高兴看到学生们又回到了河上, 我赞赏伯洛伊特沿着河岸所做的发展.


我喜欢《菠菜白菜吧》这篇文章. 它提醒我我们已经走了多远. 在我的青春岁月里, 1961-65, we were treated frequently to episodes where the Rock River produced a fog of bubbles from excessive industrial phosphate effluent discharges. 研究生毕业后,我在华盛顿特区的第一份工作.C.我和威斯康辛州的一位国会议员住在弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿.位于波托马克河岸边. 再一次。, 污染排放, 这次是市政污水处理不当, 使水路不能用于娱乐用途,钓鱼是不可能的. I’m so glad to see the Rock—and the Potomac—so vastly improved that their use has become a community asset.

迪克Hanneman 65

当我还是伯洛伊特大学的学生时, 我们被要求上两年体育课才能毕业. 我大二的春季学期, I took sailing; we learned to rig the very small boats, 哪些被保存在船库里, 然后在礁石上航行. 所以很高兴学生们再次发现了它(即使没有强制性的P).E.)!

达芙妮G. Fautin 66

我很高兴在上一期杂志上看到你的随波逐流的文章! I remember longing for 贝洛伊特’s campus to relate 更多的 to its (incredible) location along the Rock during my time there. 我花了几天的时间,在岩石间摸索着走下去,凝视着河水, 但直到我毕业离开中西部后才发现皮划艇. 这是一种自由的感觉, 开着你自己的小飞船出去, 在自己的力量下运动,与自然环境互动. 我住在安克雷奇, 阿拉斯加, now and have had some pretty incredible opportunities to get out on the water with my two children, 7岁和9岁. What an incredible boon to the college and a beautiful offering of connection to place that these students have set up.



在我的校园时光, 1973-76, 我只是模模糊糊地意识到Elmos的存在, 实际上他更了解76年的埃尔莫·鲁芬, 谁是校园里真正的大人物. 我一直以为他和那个组织有关系,甚至可能是它的头目.

But an interesting piece of memorabilia: The “Suppose That” name for the Basic Elmo’s softball team came about because whenever legendary 贝洛伊特 Mathematics Professor John V. 芬奇在课堂上证明了一个定理,他会这样开始他的假设,“假设……”

尽管我最终成为一名数学家, 目前在马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校任教, 我从没上过芬奇教授的课. But his legendary “suppose that” introduction to the day’s theorem became famous far outside his classroom, 我经常在自己的课堂上借用他的话, 可耻地没有署名.


我从未听过大卫·赫德尔关于足球队和埃尔莫·鲁芬的故事. 事实上, 早期, on we had to explain to an irate Elmo Ruffin’76 that Basic Elmo had nothing to do with him and we were in no way being insulting. The name [Basic Elmos] came about in the fall of ’72 because our LEC (Learning Environment Counselor) in Chapin, 1976年的柯特·史密斯会开玩笑地问:“基本情况是什么?每当有骚乱发生时. At the same time, we were calling each other “Elmo,” in the same way you would call someone “Bozo.这两个词合并成了“什么是基本艾尔莫”?事情就这样继续下去了. Incidentally Curt played a major force in the development of the Basic Elmos whereas the poor RA in Chapin got stuck with a floor full of idiots, 当她想要的只是和她的朋友们在一个美好的, 免租房. 76届的菲尔·罗森布拉特对76届的莱恩·帕格里亚罗恶狠狠地瞪了一眼, 穿着石棉防火服, 说明了当时校园里基本的Elmos的普遍观点. 人们还能进入蒸汽隧道吗?


I had to laugh when I read Eric Schroder’s letter containing the story of the German language penguin joke. During my first semester at 贝洛伊特, I heard the joke and its connection to the German seminar. 这很可能是我在一次德国俱乐部聚会上从埃里克本人那里听到的. 它卡住了. 直到今天,我每年都会把这个笑话讲给高中高年级的同学听. 他叫lebe der Pinguin Witz!

Ed Vaitones 80


我很喜欢这期杂志,尤其是那篇关于指导的文章. Dr. Woodard was my geology professor while at 贝洛伊特, and I was most fortunate for the experience. Dr. 斯基普·戴维斯59岁时是我的同学, 他杰出的职业生涯当然反映了他所提供的培训. Woodard. 虽然我只在地质学领域积极工作了很短的一段时间, 伯洛伊特大学提供的教育极大地促进了我所追求的事业.


马里昂·法斯(生物学)是我的导师. 直到后来我才意识到,并不是每个人都像我一样有导师. 她在公共卫生课程正式存在之前就创建了公共卫生课程. It was fun to devise research together: she supported me going to Tanzania to study maternal health, 支持我在疟疾方面的研究, and eventually I would go on to study at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and earn my master’s degree before my M.D. 我很幸运能有她和我的导师. 为了完成这一天, 我感谢她为我开辟的道路和建立的联系, 无论是在伯洛伊特,都有机会去实习, 或者在全国各地的约翰霍普金斯大学.

Dr. 阿什利·尼尔。04年


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