
Students in Professors Sylvia López and Susan Furukawa’s classes engage in experiential learning in campus museums

十大菠菜台子 is known for the accessible nature of the museum collections, and two language classes taught last spring–Professor Sylvia López’s “Health in the Spanish-speaking World” and Professor Susan Furukawa’s advanced Japanese class “Narratives of War and Peace”– demonstrated just how fruitful collaborations between the Department of 现代语言 and 文献 and campus and community museums can be. 

与洛根博物馆馆长曼努埃尔·费雷拉教授合作. Sylvia López’s SPAN 218/HEAL 218 class on health in the Spanish-speaking world curated a bilingual exhibit as their final project. 除了通过写标签来了解策展过程, 合作设计, 布置展览, students engaged in describing and studying museum objects and artifacts (e.g.,可可豆,古柯叶,泥片,a retablo, 一个物, 陶俑)来了解它们在拉丁美洲的起源, 谁在使用它们, 出于什么健康方面的原因. 学生们不仅在写作方面提高了语言技能, 阅读, 会说西班牙语,还有协作能力, 解决问题, 批判性思维, 信息素养, 所有的乐趣.

与此同时, students in Professor Furukawa’s class analyzed multiple examples of World War II narratives from Japan and the United States. They used their language skills to read manga and museums materials before looking at materials from the 1930s and 1940s. This background helped students consider how various stories impacted the way citizens and soldiers viewed themselves and their “enemies” during wartime. Students then gathered materials for display from Japan as well as from the Wright Museum of Art, 洛根博物馆, 伯洛伊特学院档案, 和伯洛伊特历史学会,并在最终的展览中展出, 《真人国际菠菜》.” The items in the exhibit engaged with the mobilization of the home front and the propagation of racist rhetoric, 在其他主题中, and encourage museum visitors to consider the importance of engaging critically with the stories we’re told.


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