Resources & Opportunities


伯洛伊特大学的学生在创业中心的创客实验室探索自己的创业技能... 贝洛伊特大学的学生在创客实验室探索自己的创业技能 博雅教育创业中心(CELEB) in downtown Beloit.

Think on your feet

对于伯洛伊特大学的学生来说,创业是很正常的, have multiple summer internships, write grants to do research overseas, and work with local nonprofits — all as part of their studies. 以下是我们在校园和社区的一些项目. Our career center can help you find many more.

Opportunities abound

贝洛伊特为你提供了几十种方法 将学术理论转化为工作理念,在专业环境中实践所学, and bring it all together in class.

学生专题讨论会让学生有机会向学生展示他们的研究成果, staff, faculty and alumni.

Student Symposium

Students become the teachers.

For nearly 40 years, 我们每年春天都会取消一天的课程,让学生们向伯洛伊特社区展示他们的原创研究.

More about Student Symposium


Experiential Courses

Working in the community.

学生有很多机会从实习中获得实践经验(和学分), research, 以及其他与当地企业和非营利组织合作的机会.

More about Experiential Courses


Econ Day

Networking with the professionals.


More about Econ Day



Preparing for graduate school.

有意攻读博士学位的人数不足的学生.D. 毕业后花六周时间在导师的指导下做一个深入的研究项目.

More about McNair Scholars

协作和实践经验是文学编辑实习的基础, a course that has produced the B...

Beloit Fiction Journal

Curating real literary work.


More about Beloit Fiction Journal

Belmark Associates的奎因·布伦纳(左一)和萨尔玛·穆罕默德·阿里(右一), 调查并收集了贝洛伊特地区的数据...

Belmark Associates

Doing real market research.


More about Belmark Associates


Center for Language Studies

Learning and living language.

CLS的浸入式课程提供汉语、日语和俄语的暑期强化课程. 学生们在七周内掌握了一年的语言学习.


25岁的Jalen Ponder做了一个关于“懒惰的辛苦工作”的演讲, focusing on the importance of taking ...

Beloit & Beyond Conference

Sharing the wider world.

一年一度的展示,学生们在这里分享他们通过校外学习学到的东西, internships, community engagement, 以及其他体验式学习机会.

More about Beloit & Beyond Conference

Learn alongside experts

Our endowed residencies bring Nobel Prize winners, human rights leaders, 全国诗人奖得主来学校,一天也不行, 而是一次教几个星期的课, collaborate on projects, and inspire students.

  • Ferrall and Ginsberg Artists-in-Residence 项目:杰出的视觉或表演艺术家来到校园教学,表演或展示他们的作品.
  • Mackey Chair in Creative Writing麦基学者是当代作家,他们教授高级创意写作课程,并公开阅读他们的作品.
  • Crom Visiting Philosophers这个系列邀请了杰出和有影响力的哲学家到校园进行为期两天的演讲, classroom visits, and lectures.
  • Miller Upton Forum这个为期四天的活动由著名的客座经济学家和学者主持,他们邀请《真人国际菠菜》一书的作者来研究财富和幸福的政治. 学生主导的演讲系列和研究讨论会补充了年度论坛.
  • Weissberg Program in Human Rights: The Weissberg program fosters awareness of human rights by bringing a leading international human rights scholar to campus; offering student grants and scholarships for practical experiences related to social justice; connecting students with alumni in the field; and supporting faculty teaching and research about human rights, including the Ousley Scholar-in-Residence.

Rachel Ellett教授和Weissberg主席Joel Simon在课堂上,一周的Weissberg ... Rachel Ellett教授和Weissberg主席Joel Simon在课堂上,一周的Weissberg program in Human Rights and Social Justice.

Centers of innovation

  • 伯洛伊特大学博雅教育创业中心:为想把想法变成生意的学生(所有技能水平和专业)提供的资源, CELEB includes a start-up incubator, student-run art gallery, 贝洛伊特的电影和媒体制作实验室, student-led foundation, music recording studio, 还有一个动手创造和合作的创客实验室.
  • 两个教学博物馆和学院档案馆 Wright Art Museum and Logan Museum of Anthropology and the college Archives 向学生开放他们的藏品,以供研究、启发,并辅修博物馆研究.
  • Hendricks Center for the Arts学院最重要的艺术教育空间包括排练室, studios, and performance halls for Beloit’s actors, musicians and dancers. 亨德里克斯还设有电影放映室和灯光设计实验室.
Who says you have to choose?
Forging your own path

Who says you have to choose?

19岁的谢菲尔德有很多事情同时发生,为什么不呢? 这位未来的药剂师正在充分利用他在伯洛伊特的时间,玩 football and track and field, performing, majoring in biochemistry写歌(有一首甚至是应他的要求写的) environmental politics class).

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